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Succesful Clinical Trials
We have completed successful clinical trials in humans.
Our clinical trial results proved pain reduction, demonstrating safety of our implant & nerve stimulation device and proven return of natural sensations.
Clinical Trials Testimonials
"My phantom hand always felt as if painfully pressed in a fist. With Sensars, the hand feels more released & less painful".
Clinical Trials Volunteer
"For the last two months, since I started to receive the stimulation, I haven’t had any pain."
Clinical Trial Volunteer
Sensars has been granted FDA Breakthrough Device Designation.
Sensory feedback restoration in leg amputees improves walking speed, metabolic cost and phantom pain.
Sensars has received a 3 million EUR grant as part of the European Union’s Horizon Research and Innovation program. The startup will coordinate and use the funds to further develop and test its product - the neuroprosthetic system.
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Six-Month Assessment of a Hand Prosthesis with Intraneural Tactile Feedback.
Enhancing functional abilities and cognitive integration of the lower limb prosthesis.
Sensars has been published in over 25 peer reviewed journals
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